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The Orders tab provides the list of all exchange orders created by Clients in the Web interface or external White label service. Exchange orders are created in the following use cases:

  • Currency exchange between Client’s accounts executed in the Web interface.

  • Cryptocurrency exchange between Client’s accounts executed in the Web interface.

  • Currency exchange executed in the external White label service.

  • Cryptocurrency exchange executed in the external White label service – an order is created at the last confirmation stage when the exchange request is approved by an Administrator. Navigate to Requests for additional information on cryptocurrency exchange executed via external White label services.

Opening the item

Follow the steps below to see the list of orders:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel

  2. Click Exchange on the left sidebar

  3. Go to the Orders menu item to open the List

Follow the steps below to browse order details:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel

  2. Click Exchange on the left sidebar

  3. Go to the Orders menu item

  4. Click Show in the Action column to open the order details

Component parameters




The column demonstrates internal order identification numbers.


The column shows a currency pair of the exchange order.


The sum that is to be exchanged.


The exchange rate of the currency pair at the moment of order creation.


Order type:

  • Market – At-market orders are filled instantly with no dependency on the exchange rate;

  • Limit – A limit order is provided with the exact exchange rate set by the Client. The order is not filled unless the exchange rate reaches the defined threshold.


The order processing status:

  • New

  • Pending

  • Canceled

  • Declined

  • Success

  • Error

  • Processing

Created at

Date and time of the order creation.

Processed at

Date and time when the order was processed by the service provider.


Click Show to open the order details with no right to edit them.


Search for orders by certain parameters. Search is filtered by the following parameters, multiple-choice is available:

  • From currency – a unique currency code defining the exchanged currency;

  • To currency - a unique currency code defining the target currency;

  • Type – market/limit;

  • Time in force – GTC/IOC/FOK (see the Component details section for additional information);

  • Side – buy/sell-side;

  • Status – order status (see the Status parameter above for details);

  • Amount - order volume;

  • Rate - exchange rate;

  • Created At - date and time of order creation;

  • Processed At - date and time of order processing;

  • Provider - service provider;

  • Provider Order Id - order ID according to the service provider systemm.


Click to access the current page right from the Admin Panel.

Configuring the component

The Order details panel allows the user to browse all order parameters.




The field includes the parameters from the main list and the following:

  • Time in force - the parameter defines one of the following conditionals that allow the Client to configure an order more precisely:

    • GTC (Good till canceled) - a time-in-force order that remains active until it is filled or the Client cancels it.

    • IOC (Immediate or cancel) - a time-in-force order that attempts to execute all or some part immediately, canceling any unfilled portion of the order.

    • FOK (Fill or Kill) – a time-in-force order that instructs a brokerage to execute a transaction immediately and completely or not at all.

  • Rate without fee – the basic exchange fee received from the service provider that does not include the Markup fee;

  • Volume – the volume of the order defining the amount of the target currency.

Additional data

The field includes the service provider details, including error messages (if any).

Exchange request

The field includes the following:

  • Exchange request - initial exchange request identification number;

  • External order Id – the order Id in the service provider system.

Top sidebar

Switch between order Details and Logs tabs.

  • Details—overview of order parameters

  • Logs—history of changes related to the order, including API request details.


Click to access the current page right from the Admin Panel.

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