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In some cases, a merchant can have several business projects created. For example, one merchant provides exchange, online retail, and streaming services. Therefore, all the services require payment solutions that can be configured differently. Crassula provides a way to separate merchant services as projects that can be configured and analyzed in the Administrative Panel and Merchant Dashboard.
The Projects tab provides the list of all merchants' projects created in the platform.

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Opening the item

Follow the steps below to see the list of Projects:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel.

  2. Click eCommerce on the left sidebar.

  3. Go to the Projects menu item to open the Projects list.

Follow the steps below to browse Project details:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel.

  2. Click eCommerce on the left sidebar.

  3. Go to the Projects menu item.

  4. Click Show or Edit in a project line to open its details.

Component parameters

The list of projects




Demonstrates unique project identification numbers

Display name

A name set for a project by the merchant.

Virtual currency

An internal currency set for a project. Virtual currency can be bought by the Users for internal payments.

Default currency

A currency that will be charged from Users when making payments.


Defines whether the project is active or made for testing as a sandbox.


The merchant related to the project.


  • Click Show to open the project without the ability to edit it.

  • Click Edit to open project details with the right to edit them.


Search for profiles of individuals by certain parameters. The search is filtered by the parameters provided in the tab, multiple-choice is available.

Add new

Create a project manually.


Click to access the current page right from the Admin Panel.

Configuring the component

Project details is the main panel for configuring project details.

Project details




The field includes general details of the project that correspond to the main list of parameters. There are several additional parameters that can also be configured:

  • Public key - a key for encryption used as a part of the digital signature.

  • Private key - a key for decryption used as a part of the digital signature.

  • Widget signature required - defines whether additional encryption is required for payment widgets.

  • Callback Url - defines a callback Url that is used for payment confirmation.

  • 3DS forced - defines whether 3DS is required.

  • Email Notification disabled - if set, a User will not receive email receipts for payments.

  • Anti Fraud disabled - if set, transaction monitoring will be disabled for the project.

  • Anti Fraud forced - if set, transaction monitoring will always be enabled for the project.

  • Statement descriptor - it is possible to add an additional description for transaction statements.

  • Used as access group filter - defines an access group required for the Project.

Virtual currency

Defines the internal currency set for the project:

  • Name - virtual currency name.

  • Prices - currency pairs defining how much will be charged from a User for the virtual currency.

  • Default currency - a currency that will be charged from Users when making payments.

Gift codes

The field defines whether gift codes are enabled for the project.

Card save

The field defines whether it is possible to save card details for the project.


The field defines whether it is possible to save card details for the project. Additional options are provided if the parameter is enabled:

  • Frequency - the time period before the transaction is repeated.

  • Period - subscription duration in months.

  • Settings Url - a Url address leading to the subscription settings page.


Click to access the current page right from the Admin Panel.

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