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Referral Program (Price List)


The Referral Program price list enables businesses to define the bonus percentages for both referrers and referrals. This ensures a transparent and customizable setup for rewarding referrals.

Opening the item

Follow the steps below to access the referral program price list:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel.

  2. Click Banking on the left sidebar.

  3. Go to the Price lists menu item.

  4. Select an existing price list.

  5. Click Show or Edit in a price list line to open its details.

  6. Click Referral program in the top sidebar to access active referral rules of the selected price list.

How to create a Referral program rule

To create a Referral Program

  1. Navigate to the Referral program tab of a price list.

  2. Click Add New in the top-right corner.

  3. The Price list field value will be automatically filled with the current price list name.

  4. Fill in the Details form. Fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

    1. Set a name for the new rule.

    2. Set the rule status in the Status field to define whether the rule should be Active or Disabled once it is created. It is possible to change the setting later.

    3. Set the Operation type field to define the transactions covered by the rule. At the moment, the following options are available:

      1. Fee currency conversion for fees charged for currency exchange.

    4. Set the Valid from and Valid to parameters to define the rule validity period.

  5. Fill in the Amounts form. Fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

    1. Set the Currency field to define the referral program currency. Selecting Any currency applies the referral program to all currencies. If multiple rules are configured for different currencies, the rules with specific currencies will take precedence over the general rule.

    2. Set the Referral Bonus and Referrer bonus fields to define the percentage of the currency exchange fee that will be credited back to the referral and the referrer, respectively. These values determine the rewards each party receives for transactions completed under the referral program. Both fields are mandatory and should be set in accordance with the referral program’s configuration


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