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Transactions (eCommerce)


The Transactions tab provides the list of all payments, verifications, and exchange transactions executed on the platform. All transactions are created by merchants' clients and executed by external service providers.

The tab provides two modes listed below. Switch the modes by clicking the corresponding button in the top sidebar.

  • Transactions list - the main window defining all transactions executed in the system.

  • Fraud monitoring - the tab provides additional details on compliance verification if one is applied.

Opening the item

Follow the steps below to see the list of transactions:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel.

  2. Click eCommerce on the left sidebar.

  3. Select a relevant Transactions menu item to open a Transactions List.

Follow the steps below to browse transaction details:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel.

  2. Click eCommerce on the left sidebar.

  3. Go to the relevant Transactions menu item.

  4. Click Show in a line to open the corresponding details.

Component parameters


The tab includes the primary list of transactions and the related details (such as sums, currencies, merchants, and providers)

The list of transactions




Demonstrates internal identification numbers assigned to each transaction.

Created at

Demonstrates the date and time of transaction creation.


The column defines the following transaction types:

  • Deposit - incoming transaction of depositing funds to the merchant’s account.

  • Payment - card payment for merchant's services.

  • Payout - payment sent from a merchant to a user.

  • Exchange - currency exchange using the merchant's service

  • Verification - a temporary hold of 1EUR to verify that the card is active

  • Refund - a compensating transaction for the sums charged previously

  • Chargeback - a refund requested by a User.

  • Retrieval - a reversed chargeback that came back to the merchant’s account once the chargeback dispute is complete. In such a case, a User requesting a chargeback will not get the money.

  • Penalty - an additional penalty sum that can be requested from a merchant when a chargeback is initiated.

  • Rolling-reserve - a sum reserved from a client’s account.


The column defines the transaction status:

  • Opened - a transaction is registered in the system, not processed yet

  • Authorized - a transaction is authorized by the card processing

  • Authenticating - a card is validated

  • Processing - a transaction is being processed

  • Completed - a transaction is complete

  • Verified - a transaction is verified by the compliance service provider

  • Failed - an error occurred during the execution or the transaction did not pass the Fraud Monitoring

  • Canceled - a transaction is canceled by the cardholder

  • Abandoned - the payment procedure is not finished by the client

  • Waiting approval - a payout transaction is waiting for approval from an Administrator.

  • Reversed - a duplicating transaction with a reversed side. Reversed transactions are refunds, though initiated not within one authorization code, but as a separate transaction.


Defines whether a merchant is notified of the transaction. The callback is received.


Defines the merchant participating in the transaction.


Defines the Project a transaction is associated with.


User name set in the merchant’s system.

User identifier

Unique user identifier set in the merchant’s system.

Virtual currency

A virtual currency that is related to the transaction (if applied).


The transaction sum.


A service provider to execute the transaction.


The country of the card issuer.


  • Click Show to open transaction details with no right to edit them.

  • Click Edit to change transaction status manually.

Add new

Create a transaction manually.

All transactions are created automatically by service providers; therefore, the transaction creation functionality is designed for testing and/or exceptional cases, such as manual operational needs (for example, charging unique fees).


Search for cards by certain parameters. Search is filtered by the parameters provided in the tab, multiple-choice is available.


Click to access the current page right from the Admin Panel.

Fraud monitoring mode

The mode provides additional instruments to monitor the way compliance checks are performed on the clients' transactions. The monitoring is performed by the compliance service provider and does not require any assistance. It is possible to add a new monitoring case manually for testing and exceptional cases.

Fraud monitoring

The Fraud monitoring mode is provided with the same parameters as the Transactions list described in the previous section. There are a few new parameters present:




Client email added to the user profile.


Internet Protocol number of the client.


A text message defining the reason of transaction failure.

Anti Fraud Score

The number of scores assigned to the transaction according to the service provider scoring system. Scoring systems differ depending on the service provider.

Anti Fraud Status

Defines the status of Anti Fraud checks:

  • Skip - no additional checks are required

  • Review - a transaction is being monitored

  • Reject - a transaction did not pass the checks performed

  • Approve - a transaction is reviewed and does not break any compliance rule.

Configuring the component

The Transaction details window provides extended information on each transaction performed by merchants' users.

Transaction details




The field includes general transaction information including an internal id, related account numbers and Clients, sums, and currencies, including the following:

  • Statement descriptor - a dynamic part of the payment description that can be changed depending on the transaction type and related parameters. Can be applied only to card payments.

  • Attributes - additional API details that are not seen by the User.

  • Custom description - a custom description set by the merchant.

Amount and price

Demonstrates the amount details including the following:

  • Out amount - virtual currency amount.

  • Out currency - virtual currency name.


The field provides merchant and project details the transaction is related to.


The field shows personal details and additional configurations set by the user:

  • Card remembered - defines whether the card is saved in the user profile.

  • Payment remembered - defines whether the transaction details are saved in the user profile.

  • Payment recurrent - defines whether the transaction is recurrent and is to be executed every configured period.


The field demonstrates the platform details. A platform is used to save card details in the White Label’s system—such cards can be saved for multiple merchants supported by the White Label. The feature requires a platform and a duplicated user.

  • Platform - the space name where the saved users and cards are to be saved.

  • Platform user - a duplicated user name. The User profile is contributed to all merchants related to the White Label.

Top sidebar

Navigate among Details, Fees, Recurring, Anti-Fraud, and Logs options using the top-side menu.

  • General – the field includes the aforementioned details.

  • Fees – the field provides additional details on the fees related to the transaction.

  • Recurring – the field defines whether the transaction is recurring and provides the repetition details if so.

  • Anti-Fraud - the field summarizes monitoring details related to the transaction.

  • Logs - the field provides all the execution process recordings performed by the service provider.

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