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Triggered limits


The Triggered limits tab provides the list of all Clients who have exceeded their Limits. Once a defined threshold is hit, the Client is added to the list. The tab can be used to browse the Clients with the limits exceeded and their last transactions.

Opening the item

Follow the steps below to access triggered limit details:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel

  2. Click Banking on the left sidebar

  3. Go to the Triggered limits menu item to open the list

  4. Click Show in a triggered limit line to open the details

Component parameters

Triggered limits




The column includes names of the Clients with triggered limits. Click a Client Name to open profile details.

Client Type

The parameter defines whether the Client is either a Person or a Company.

Client State

Profile restrictions set by KYC Administrators or Identification providers:

  • Active (no restrictions applied)

  • Suspended (temporarily blocked until the circumstances are clarified, no outgoing transactions allowed)

  • Blocked (permanently blocked, the Interface access is denied)

In order to manually stop all transactions of a Client, change their account status in the account details. See Accounts for additional information.

Threshold Type

There are three main threshold types available (see Limits for details):

  • Transfer count - the threshold covers the number of account transfers per period set in the Limit.

  • Transaction count—the threshold covers the number of transactions per period. The parameter covers all card-related transactions, such as purchases and withdrawals.

  • Transaction amount - the threshold covers the sums of all transactions per period set in the Limit.

  • Fx transaction amount—the threshold covers the sums of all exchange transactions per period. The threshold type covers all complete exchange transactions of the Currency conversion type (sandbox transactions are ignored). An FX markup is required for the currency to calculate the limit threshold.

Transfer direction

The parameter defines whether the subject transactions are outgoing, incoming, or both.

Threshold value

The number of allowed transfers/transactions per period set in the Limit.

Threshold currency

The threshold currency set in the Limit.

Created at

Date and time of the threshold creation.

Expires at

Date and time when the Limit period will be reset.


Click Show to open the triggered limit details with no right to edit them.


Search for triggered limits by certain parameters. Search is filtered by the following parameters, multiple-choice is available:

  • Client—a Client name the limit is applied to;

  • Client limit threshold type—filter the Limits by the threshold type.


Click to access the current page right from the Admin Panel.

Configuring the component

The Triggered limit details provide the information on the triggered limit and the last transactions of the Client.

Triggered limit details




The field provides general Client profile details:

  • ID – internal Client identification number.

  • Name – the name of the Client.

  • Type - the parameter defines whether the Client is either a Person or a Company.


The field includes the information on the threshold applied to the Client:

  • Type – the field defines one the following threshold types:

    • Transfer count - the threshold covers the number of account transfers per period set in the Limit.

    • Transaction count—the threshold covers the number of transactions per period. The parameter covers all card-related transactions, such as purchases and withdrawals.

    • Transaction amount - the threshold covers the sums of all transactions per period set in the Limit.

    • Fx transaction amount—the threshold covers the sums of all exchange transactions per period. The threshold type covers all complete exchange transactions of the Currency conversion type (sandbox transactions are ignored). An FX markup is required for the currency to calculate the limit threshold.

  • Transfer direction - the field states whether the subject transactions are outgoing, incoming, or both.

  • Limit – the parameter defines the amount/number value of a corresponding threshold type:

    • An exact currency.

    • All (convert to EUR) – applied to any currency (converted when calculated);

    • Number of transactions if a corresponding threshold type is selected.

  • Period – the field defines the limit reset period.

  • Created at – date and time of limit creation.

  • Expires at – date and time when the Limit period will be reset.

  • Action type – the action applied to the Client’s profile once the limit is exceeded. See the corresponding parameter in Limits for details.

Client limit threshold

The field summarizes the account balance before and after the limit threshold is hit.

  • Inbound cash flow – the account balance after the threshold limitation is applied.

  • Summary – the account balance before the threshold limitation is applied. Once the transaction is processed, it hits the limit and may affect the Inbound cash flow values.

Last transactions

The field provides the list of the Client’s five last transactions and their details.


Click to access the current page right from the Admin Panel.

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